środa, października 31, 2012


TDI integrates with Tibco BW Engine and sees all executed processes and all data. It gathers basic runtime process statistics, can gather selected data flowing through processes (using XPath selectors called markers) and can gather detailed performance information per activity.
TDI can be integrated with Tibco BW in two ways:
  • TRA mode - modification of .tra file (independent from deployment, any deployed BW component can have TDI enabled; may be performed by IT Operations to analyze problems in production environment or to build BAM solution)
  • OnStartup mode - addition of OnStartup process (must be put into EAR file and deployed with whole project, usually used for analyzing single project during Friendly User Test/Trial Run)

Configuration can be done via params_table.

 Parameter           | Description               
 EXTRACT_NUMBERS^      values: *true,false;    Data extracted from XPath markers 
   is normalized: duplicates are removed, string and numbers representing the
   same values can be converted to numbers; extraction is greedy: q123456789
   will be converted to number 123456789
 TDI_CONFIG_FILE      value: path to config.env file with configuration props
   File is read at startup. TDI will also check for config.env file inside
   its jar file.
 TSI_ADDRESS          value: URL to Tibco Service Improvement endpoint receiving
   data from TDI, it can be URL in schema  host:port to use default HSQL db,
   it can be Oracle JDBC connection string 'jdbc:oracle:thin:HR/HR@host:1521:XE'
   or Cassandra URL 'cassandra:host:9160' or 'void' (no data upload).
 PROFILER^             values:yes,*no;   Flag to enable or disable profiler. 
   Profiler gathers statistics in the form: activityName -> execution time / 
   evaluation time + timestamp of start
 LOGGER^               values:yes,*no;    Flag to enabling logging of data from
   WriteToLog and Log4J activities; Data will be put the same way as from marker
 IGNORE_ERROR_TEXT^    value:*TDI_IGNORE_ERROR;   TDI sees all errors, both
   handled with error transition and unhandled. Some 'Generate Error' activities
   may be used in logging libraries/projlibs and so they should be ignored. This
   is exact text match - value can be in activity name, XML elements names or
   inside nodes' data.
 STALLED_JOB_TIME    value:*300000;  When job runs longer than given time
   it will be marked and reported as hung/stalled.
 WORK_INTERVAL       value:*10000;     Time interval between iterative event
   delivery to endpoint gathering data.
 PING_TIME           value:*60000;    Time interval between iterative ping event
   delivery to endpoint gathering data. Ping means that Tibco BW component is
 MARKERS^             value: follow schema MARKER_$Name:$Value, where $Name can
   be string for non-indexed marker and number 1-4 for indexed marker. $Value
   is simple XPath expresion for selecting XML nodes, in which values devops
   are interested to. Example: MARKER_1://orders/orderId. When data matches
   marker expression the exact node value is stored as a marker value and
   also whole message is store in separate object.
 SKIP_MK_MESSAGE^     value:true,*false;   Skip gathering whole messages when
   one of its elements matches marker.
 CONN_POOL_LIFETIME   value:0-86400000;    Cache connection for given time.
   Zero means that connection pooling is disabled and connection is created
   for every event delivery.
   Parameters marked ^ are reloaded in runtime during ping,
   others are loaded once at startup.

 File               | Description
 tdi.jar/auto.cfg     URL for endpoint storing data, see parameter TSI_ADDRESS
 tdi.jar/config.env   File for storing configuration

 tdi.jar/bootstrap.sql for initial Oracle database configuration for TDI,
  put ojdbc5.tdi in the same path as tdi.jar
 tdi.jar/licence.txt  Licence checked on startup, TDI is free for non-production

2 komentarze:

Nochum pisze...

Cool! I'm seeing the BW project library but not the jar file. Is there a separate link to the jar file?

Also, is this using BW Active Aspects to introspect and collect metrics, or some other mechanism?

jakub007 pisze...

Jar file is copied from lib/tdi.resource by OnStartup process on first run.
It uses Job listeners similar way to Hawk.