poniedziałek, kwietnia 02, 2018

Spring Framework 5 and Docker

Very soon with shared classes support on OpenJ9 - https://github.com/eclipse/openj9/issues/1244. Now unpack fat jar, delete google collections and run like this:

Please notice that very simple REST service consumes 32MB of disk space. If we have local docker registry it's not a problem. In case we use cloud we can optimize this size creating master docker image with common unpacked libs and then our dockerfile for single application should be derived from this master image. If we need orchestration of Spring applications we should put them inside Docker Swarm's stacks with replica count providing appropriate level of HA - ingress network with own service/name resolving will automagically take care of HA/LB.

Since the hell is frozen you can create Spring 5 application on Linux with Visual Studio Code and push it to Azure as a docker image.

Java - write once, deploy everywhere.

Remark for Eclipse OpenJ9: to control memory settings via environment variables use IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS instead of _JAVA_OPTIONS.

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