piątek, maja 04, 2018

EMS HA properties for BW

Defines the name of the System Property controlling the number of attempts the connections make to connect to the server. When too many clients connect to the same server, the server may not be able to accept all connections at the same time. This parameter specifies the number of attempts and delay between the attempt the connections perform in order to connect to the server. The value of this property is a String in the form "NN[,DELAY]" where NN is the number of attempts and DELAY is delay in milliseconds between the attempts. Minimum value of NN is 1, minimum value of DELAY is 250 milliseconds. Default value used is "2,500".

java.property.tibco.tibjms.connect.attempts 999999999,1000
java.property.tibco.tibjms.connect.attempt.timeout 10000

Defines the name of the System Property controlling the number of attempt the connections make to reconnect to the backup server during the fault-tolerant switch. This property is similar to PROP_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS. The difference is that it may be necessary to use different parameters during reconnect than during the initial connect. Initial connect of the clients to the server is normally distributed in time and there are less chances of the server exceeding its maximum accept queue. During fault-tolerant switch, all connected clients automatically try to reconnect to the backup server, approximately at the same time. When the number of connections is large, it may require more attempts to reconnect than the initial connect. The value of this property is a String in the form "NN[,DELAY]" where NN is the number of attempts and DELAY is delay in milliseconds between the attempts. Minimum value of NN is 1, minimum value of DELAY is 250 ms. Default value used is "4,500".

java.property.tibco.tibjms.reconnect.attempts 999999999,1000
java.property.tibco.tibjms.reconnect.attempt.timeout 10000

Defines the name of the System Property setting the ping interval for inactive connections.
When a connection does not send nor receives any data, it may not be able to detect network failure
in certain situations. To avoid this, inactive connections periodically send "ping" messages to the server. Default interval is 60 seconds. In some cases it may take several intervals to detect network failure. The value of this property is a string encoding the ping interval in seconds, e.g. "60".
Zero value disables ping messages.


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