sobota, grudnia 05, 2009

OpenESB revisited

We're going to create simple transactional process inserting data into tables of two XA data sources. Let's create design time JDBC connections.

The type of Database Service Engine operation is table. Here we can see generated artifacts.

Now, we have to remember that this configuration has been generated using design time JDBC connection. To use it with runtime we need to change JNDI location of database.

Presented BPEL process on the left side has got PartnerLink connected with generated by us abstract WSDL (its name should match process name). On the right side there are Partner Links from mssql1 and mssql2 bindings. The process is transactional.

To see input and output port of BPEL JBI module we have to rebuild Composite App.

We can add different bindings to our BPEL orchestration (SOAP, JMS, WCF, Quart Scheduler ...).

After JDBC data source setup and app deployment, we can check that our composite app works fine.

Having modified db schema for table tab1 in second data source we can se that new data is not inserted to tab1 in first data source - our BPEL process is transactional.

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